
Resilience and Resolution

is a program where Whisler Wildlands is on a mission to provide camera kits to fellow veterans who are looking to start the photography hobby while also seeking a way to strengthen their resiliency in every day life. A camera forces the end user to literally focus in on the moment and hone in on our cognitive skills for the composition. After all, this exact experience is what motivated Alex to pick up a camera and start Whisler Wildlands in the first place. Now, he’s on a mission to pass it on. Right now Whisler Wildlands can only afford to donate one camera kit a year, How can you help? By donating!

Number of kits provided to Veterans: 2


We are looking for sponsors! We have a lot to offer here at Whisler Wildlands. If you are passionate about Nature like we are and you’re a local businesses, organization, or have products that need exposure, lets work together!


Want to further support Whisler Wildlands? Follow us on social media! like, share, and comment, on our posts or purchase products. You can also subscribe to our Patreon page! Help us keep generating content for you, our viewers and further connect you to the wilderness!


Are you passionate about the same things we are and would like to further assist Whisler Wildlands? Donations are welcome via whislerwildlands@gmail.com at PayPal or our store. 100% goes towards supporting conservation and generating more content.
